gingery_machines @Wiki FrontPage_old


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news: I'm changing most of these pages from wysiwyg mode to wiki mode, since it's easier to write than html once you learn how to use it. Speak now or forever hold your peace!
Why a wiki?
You don't have to do all the dirty hard behind the scenes work if you want to contribute.
You dont have to ask for anyone's permission to contribute. Just click on "edit this page".
You can do the dirty hard behind the scenes work if you want to.
You can find the information you are looking for, unlike digging through mailing list archives

I've realized it doesn't matter who wrote what, since somebody will change it anyway if it's wrong. So, don't feel like you have to sign your name to every thing you write, unless you want to.

The Vision:Each machine in the series and also ones not in the series will have its own dedicated page. That page will point to sub-categories for that machine, such as a partslist, corrections, modifications. Looking at the parts list page, each part should have its own page. I think that should be fine-grained enough to start with. Someone can add a photo and/or CAD drawing of each part or assembly to that part's page. It would be nice to have a list of every little thing on the partslist page, like a bill of materials, and also links pointing to pages for each sub assembly. Carriage should point to saddle, apron, cross slide, and compound slide. Then, the compound slide page could point to modifications of the compound slide under modifications.

I have to say this page has become much more gingery-focused than I had originally intended. I'd like to see some work on developing new designs as well. Anyone who is interested in helping design new machines should add ideas and their name to the WishList for things I would like to see in the book. I linked to the wishlist by naming the page "WishList" and then did standard html a href="WishList" /a. Look at the source if you don't understand. You should also be able to click on the internal link button if using the fancy wysiwyg editor, but I prefer to just write the raw source code by hand.

intellectual property and copyright concerns page here

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